I am experimenting with Blogger, although I might try other platforms to get comfortable and expand the blog. Dreamwidth and wordpress have been suggested as better platforms to blog from, by some friends. Do you have a preferred platform for blogging or any tips, if so any recommendations greatly received!
I might get a little political from time to time. Over the weekend I was saddened reading Nadine Dorries blog post on Friday 7th Jan, then on Saturday the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords during a politician reaching out to the people and the deaths was unspeakable senseless http://giffords.house.gov/2011/01/a-statement-from-us-representative-gabrielle-giffords-chief-of-staff.shtml During this week it has been contrasted and put into perspective by Thursday's Oldham by election caused by a politician being dishonourable, then a retired Labour MP is jailed and today another elected MP again who stood representing Labour http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12157768 admits to dishonourable behaviour in court. Reflecting on the forthcoming May local elections and improving democratic accountability to the public trust. We so need honour, courage, character and competence in our politicians focused on working for local people not for their own vain glory or profit!
I might get a little political from time to time. Over the weekend I was saddened reading Nadine Dorries blog post on Friday 7th Jan, then on Saturday the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords during a politician reaching out to the people and the deaths was unspeakable senseless http://giffords.house.gov/2011/01/a-statement-from-us-representative-gabrielle-giffords-chief-of-staff.shtml During this week it has been contrasted and put into perspective by Thursday's Oldham by election caused by a politician being dishonourable, then a retired Labour MP is jailed and today another elected MP again who stood representing Labour http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12157768 admits to dishonourable behaviour in court. Reflecting on the forthcoming May local elections and improving democratic accountability to the public trust. We so need honour, courage, character and competence in our politicians focused on working for local people not for their own vain glory or profit!
I plan to get rhythm going with posting and I hope to maintain your interest. Any suggestions for topics to blog on all ideas well received *grin* and appreciated.
To promote this blog I have joined Friend Feed here: http://friendfeed.com/mikebeckett I was delighted to get a plug from http://roseleanor1.blogspot.com/ as we are both starting blogs at the same time I wish ever success too An Englishwoman in Pennsylvania
Although I now wonder when is a blog a blog and when is it something more? and figuring out how to make it something more.
Thank you for reading...before you go if you can think of a riddle then please do share it!
Although I now wonder when is a blog a blog and when is it something more? and figuring out how to make it something more.
Thank you for reading...before you go if you can think of a riddle then please do share it!
Mike on liberty and relentless quest to commit virtue http://mikebeckett.wordpress.com My blog exploration continues...