Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday's Mikish Musing - international focus on sudan

Sudan it is pleasing to see the southern referendum go so credibly. However the final demarcation of the north /south border due to the underlying oilfields is where the tension will be evident. While I am happy with the progress so far however I am not overly optimistic as I think this is likely to have more pain and suffering before resolution.
I am concerned that the vote on whether Abyei goes with north or south is likely to be a flashpoint as the oil, greed and national interest is unfortunately likely to conflict. As has so often happened in Dafor ethnic division and competition for limited resources.
If we do not maintain our vigilance and exert political and economic influence, more could well die sacrificed for man's greed *sigh* Nevertheless a big thank you to those working hard to make the referendum work in the south...

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